We Are Saved

    We, humans, are sinful beings. We couldn't resist temptations, and we do the things we like, be they good or bad. We tend to do the bad instead of the good. But because of the sacrifices made by the Lord Jesus Christ, we are saved. We commemorate the sacrifices that Christ made for us during the holy week. 

      Holy Week is the most important week in the Christian calendar. It is a time when we commemorate Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. We recall his deeds, reflect on his messages, and recommit our commitment to living as his followers in the world at present. 

    Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday, which marks Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem; it is followed by Holy Thursday, when the last supper occurred; Good Friday, the day of the crucifixion and death of our Lord; Holy Saturday, which commemorates the final day of Christ's death; and Easter Sunday, when Jesus was resurrected.

    Personally, I view Holy Week as a time for reflection and healing. Every Holy Week, I reflect on the things that I've done, think of the sins that I've committed, and ask the Lord for forgiveness. During this year's Lenten season, I was able to rest and heal for a couple of days. I was able to refresh my mind and restart my spirit. Now, I am in the process of getting closer to the Lord and trying to apply his words more in my life. 

    The Holy Week should not only be viewed as a time for vacation or leisure. Instead, during this time, we should remember the suffering that the Lord Jesus Christ had to go through just to save humans from their own sins. We should reflect on our bad deeds and ask for forgiveness. We should rebuild our faith in the Lord and live our lives as Christians. May we seize this another chance given to us to become a better person, a better human being, a better follower of the Lord. Let us not make His sacrifices go to vain. 




https://santamaria.wa.edu.au/what-does-holy-week-mean-for-us/#:~:text=Holy%20Week%20is%20the%20most,disciples%20in%20the%20world%20today. Retrieved on April 13, 2023.

https://www.britannica.com/technology/measurement. Retrieved on April 13, 2023.

https://pin.it/3Wi1m2Q. Retrieved on April 13, 2023.


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