Do I Need A Lover?

Valentine's Day has always been celebrated every February 14 of every year. This is one of the many celebrations that the Filipinos are anticipating for, especially those who have a partner. The color red is often associated with Valentine's Day as it represents love and care. Flowers and chocolates are also famous gifts for one's boyfriend or girlfriend. But, do you really need a lover to enjoy Valentine's Day? To be honest, there really isn't much to say about my experiences on this year's Valentine's Day. I do not have a lover, and I do not worry about my love life much because I believe that I am still not old enough for it. My parents wouldn't also allow me to have a lover or even let someone court me. Nevertheless, I did enjoy my Valentine's Day because of my friends. They are the ones that are making me feel loved and taken care of. One of my friends even gave me a gift and the rest greeted me "Happy ...