Over time, a lot has changed - our clothing, culture, and speech. Women's rights have been acknowledged, they now have the right to study, vote, and participate in politics. However, there is one thing that time cannot change, it is our nationalism. During the Spanish era, there was Gabriela Silang in Ilocos Sur who defended and freed the province. Currently, it have female police officers who prevents violence and maintain peace and order. Gabriela Silang was the first female leader to lead a revolution in the city of Vigan. He continued what her husband, Diego Silang, had started. Because of her courage, bravery, and love for our country, Ilocos was freed from the hands of the Spanish in 1763. Unfortunately, Gabriela Silang was captured and killed; however, the Ilocano people will never forget her courage and good leadership. In the current era, there are also people like Gabriela Silang. Women who are ready to sacrific...